(P) Homophobia 2.0


1/ Thread: Homophobia 2.0 is a brightly painted yet anaemic and pale imitation of Church and state the first time round. It’s more Jaws II than Aliens as a sequel and still hasn’t made me feel guilty for who I am or having a charity that represents me.

2/ There’s no overarching beauty or soul to the alternative vision you see, version 1 worked brilliantly because I genuinely thought I might be denied entry to paradise or was displeasing an eternally kind being. It convincingly made me an enemy of the common good of state.

3/ The new iteration is, well, a bit, “The Phantom Menace”. I’m taunted by oddities like jar jar binks for not adopting woke think or woke speak but the arrows miss their target. The enemy has become a thing no enemy would ever want - ridiculous.

4/ Energetically ripping words from their meanings and erecting vast “intellectual” edifices built of plastic straws is your problem opponent. You cannot strike a human soul with some innovation based on PowerPoint slides with action man and Barbie.

5/ Impoverishing and abusing a human souls of any strength needs more than a fly by night cult and here you compare poorly the the original. Your false truths bend like rubber, your fake calumnies are plastic arrows, your pretended outrage is a water pistol.

6/ A sequel will miss it’s mark when it forgets the audience know what to expect. You’ve long despised and ignored this audience and that is your weakness. We’ve dealt with this once before in a pandemic before the present sequel the like of which you will never know.

7/ So honour the priests and the stuffy lords who told us being who we were was wrong and organising as we pleased was sin. Honour them because they did a better job than you will ever do.

8/ It is midnight in the Kingdom of the mad and your king and his fool are on the blasted Heath railing against the rain. They hold their mock trials and wail at fate. But dawn will come, king or not, it will rise like a crown at a coronation wherever he is.

9/ Your news words will scatter about like things dropped splitting from a bag. Your new ideas will spiral and fade like cloud of smoke, more energy and beauty in their exit than use. The ugliness you have cast about the people will be shown for what it is by sunlight.

10/ Your new priest and their new mantras and their new recruits and their new words with the new learning will suddenly be one thing. Old.

They will harangue like televangelists the people laugh at. They will be the old men who believe in healing crystals.

11/ A sequel can kill a franchise. For my selfish part, I wish that well, because it would make all this worth it if homophobia 2.0 makes impossible homophobia 3.0.

So carry on. Launch your flop. Promote this Turkey. Sit on warehouses of undesired merchandise.


LGB Alliance gets charity status


(P) On being male