(P) The promise of surgery


/1 Thread: They will cut your bodies. They will drug your minds. Their potions will be stupifactants, they will dizzy and take you away from dreams where you love another man or woman. They will make of you smooth dolls like their barbies and action men. smooth and untroubled.

/2 They will make of this world a promise of paradise, the price is your flesh. You are young and set about and disoriented by the newness of your flesh, the thrill of it's nascent maturity. You are so enveloped in the little pretty vortex of your smooth skin you won't miss it

3/ You will attend the suffocating surgeries, you will nod at the heavy projected smiles and you will smile at the heavy projected nods. You will smile at the nod you half understand as they make a half person of your half body, you will nod at the smiles you see. They are happy

4/ You will make of a butcher a priest. He will hack away at you till he finds a happiness on a surgical sheet. He will invert and distend and elongate and rip and lacerate and throw the rest of you in a surgical waste bin. He will make of a human happiness and discard the rest.

5/ He will make you anew and happiness will be measured in the weight of surgical waste upon a scale, these things cut off like a butcher.

A cut from a god with a knife,.

A prophet who brings the word with a wound.

6/ The fools about you. These adults who ought to have been great fences against this will perform the greatest act of any sneak and say "this is what you wanted", yet you were a child.

These fools who could not be trusted with a lost child in a storm.

7/ Fear not. LGB people are used to being despised. We do not hand people so easily to ghouls. And of your scares we will heal. We will not set a hundred different pronouns or rules about you. You, like us, are outcasts, You always have been, we always have been.

8/ Better we could have saved you from self harm made medical but it will be us, not your surgeons who give you care. You are a generation we tried to reach, and we did our best, and the sight of 13 year olds with mastectomies or castrated 14 year old horrified us.

9/ And we did our best, but we know that will never be enough, for when you are the next 40 year olds you will say more should have been done.

And you will be right.


(P) The crime of lying


The Kingdom of lies