The Kingdom of lies
/1 Thread: To participate in modern LGBT debates is to face insults and slurs volleyed from the very edge of truth itself. Conversion therapy isn't quite the conversion therapy you'd imagine. LGB Alliance opposed same sex marriage except they just didn't.
/2 Maya Forstater is fighting for the right to be rude to people at work except she just isn't. LGB are transphobic except they're loudly supported by prominent trans voices. The only fidelity the noisy scoundrels who deal in half-truths have is to their tactical scheming.
3/ Half-truths, whole-lies and devious works of sophistry are the coin of the Kingdom of the Mad where everything is opposites and paradox abounds. This is why speaking in riddles is commonplace and the local lexicon gets each day more a work of artifice.
4/ It's the practice of a scoundrel to simply say what works whether or not it is is strictly speaking true. It's to misuse words and people's good faith to fool them with casuistry and it will in the end be a hollow victory when they inevitably see they've been hoodwinked.
5/ There is a different conversation to be had. An exchange of words and ideas that doesn't reach for easy, cheap deceits but picks up hard realities and heavy debates had out in the open and much the better for it.
6/ These deceptions will eventually melt away, a lie may be a fast moving thing but it cannot live for ever. It is to be much hoped before that point these scurrilous weapons are abandoned and new nobler ones taken up.