(P) Riddle me this
Riddle me this
Riddle me that
Queer theory a fox
And act like a rat
Deconstruct this
And reconstruct that
Make gays of straights
And Queer your own hat
Riddle me once and
Riddle me twice
Riddle you riddles
“Be Kind” and “Be nice”
Unleash your dogs and pile them on,
Make mountains or fangs and of claws and so on,
Riddle their folly, their hate, their exclusion,
These women and gays who detest your intrusion
Riddle these quarrelsome natives indeed,
These LGB peasants who say have no need
Of your new words, and new ways, and new fangled thought,
Riddle them all, and all of their sort
Bind them in riddles and set them a-flurry,
Thrown up on great whirlwinds in speaking a hurry,
Bind them and chain them in words useless now,
Unmoored from meaning, and they wonder how.
A false speaker of words who places them between his teeth like a poison for others.
Has profit’ed well so much for double talk and easy covers.
This paradoxical thing who is straight but is gay
Is gay but it’s straight any question’s away
These riddlers. Here’s where the rhythm and dance stops. These riddlers who cast spells only when the words rhyme.
These innovators and false conjurers and deceivers in words. These men who use words like playing cards in a trick. These tactical deployed chess pieces.
7/ Riddle me this you fraudsters
When man means woman
When woman means man
When straight by dint of the vagabond cloth of “queer” means gay
When gay by the same bandit attire means straight
When nom binary means nothing, as if always will.
You have not robbed the stage coach
8/ You have turned these things upside down. And for what? To show you could? Your happy pillagers look unhappy in the face to me. I believe not their enforced grins, to me they seem like communists afraid to stop applauding first. You have broken a binary of what?
9/ Meaning and non meaning? Happiness and misery? You fools who think you are gods who can reauthor what a human is and how it loves!?
Have you learned nothing?
You have trespassed into heaven, stolen love, put it in a spreadsheet and sent it to your marketing committee.
10/ Would that you have stolen live from the gods to use it but you have filed it away convinced of some administrative destiny for humanity. You are fools. There will be no life for your stillborn vision of human interaction. It is neither human. Nor does it interact.