Stonewall becomes Ozymandias


1/ Thread: Stonewall, a trans charity, are fast turning into Ozymandias, we look on their works and despair. Certainly it seems they are despairing tonight as they pen a letter seeming to intercede in a live case, that or Forstater, in an unmeasured letter screaming catastrophe.

2/ The letter itself (…) post dates the hearing of the case and the timing is strange, could it be a Daily Telegraph interview by the chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission is the real reason for it? Is this letter saying, shut up?

3/ It’s curious too as the case is ongoing and the EHRC are a party to it, we await the judgment. It’s curious that Ozymandias is attacking the body in the UK established to protect the equality act. It’s curious that the parties claim to speak for gays generally.

4/ It’s curious that it comes on the day Stonewall we’re found to have misrepresented the law in the Essex University matter. (Highlights here)

5/ So today, as a gay man, I see the premier “gay” charity (in reality just a front for gender identity nonsense), castigated rightly for attacking the EHRC on a point of law while simultaneously having been found to have misrepresented the law.

6/ In each case women were silenced.

This is a significant and common thread.

Gay men are currently being silenced by these organisations and told they are perverts with a “genital preference”.

7/ We live a time of paradox. This is the great inversion. Men are women, women are men. Gay charities push gay men to have straight sex. Educate yourself means ingest intellectually indigestible quackery. “Legal advice” from stonewall mean “illegal advice”.

8/ Most excluded means the most privileged and beyond criticism. Ban conversion therapy means subject gay children to lifelong medicalisation and the dream of making sense of their desires by irreversibly changing their bodies.

9/ Care means a one size fits all prescription for happiness. Activism means cancelling. Unity and “step up” means division and silence.

I never thought I would applaud the fall of Stonewall, but this bloated tyrant drunk on power, incautious with language and reckless.

10/ An organisation that goes after black lesbian barristers. An organisation that attacks the ECHR. An organisation that embarrasses a university with its silencing of women.

I look upon its works and I do despair.


(P) The Men we make


Men in cars drive round North London threatening to rape Jewish woman